How to Clean and Maintain Pet Turf
Your pet-friendly artificial turf is a sanctuary for your beloved four-legged family members. After all, it’s nice to know your pets have access to a safe and friendly environment—bolstering their quality of life. But when pet-friendly artificial turf gets dirty, it needs to be deeply cleaned to avoid health problems for your furry loved ones.
You’re probably wondering, “How do you clean turf with dogs?” This is what we’re here to answer. The well-being of your pets is of the utmost importance—and with Crown & Blade Turf at your side, you’ll have the necessary resources to keep them thriving. Let’s look at the proper ways to clean and maintain your pet-friendly turf.
Gather the Necessary Supplies
As you may know, pet-friendly artificial turf requires weekly upkeep. To do this, you’ll need some artificial turf-friendly supplies. These items are going to help give your pet-friendly turf the proper cleaning it needs. Make sure all supplies you use are safe for synthetic grass.
Required supplies include:
- Plastic bags or pooper scooper
- Mild soap and water solution
- Garden hose (Avoid pressure washers)
- Turf deodorizing spray (Needs to be safe for turf or made for artificial grass applications)
- Synthetic turf-safe brush (Needs to have soft bristles, avoid metal)
Remove Surface Debris
Before picking up your pet’s waste, it’s important to remove all surface debris. Dirt, dust, leaves, and other miscellaneous debris can build on the surface over time. Use your garden hose weekly and lightly spray away any remaining debris. If the debris isn’t budging, use your stiff brush with soft bristles to avoid damaging the turf.
If your pets regularly use the turf for their bathroom needs or if you live in a dusty and dry location, make debris removal more frequent.
Pick Up Pet Waste
Dogs. Cats. Doesn’t matter. Picking up waste is important for maintaining pet-friendly artificial turf. Use your plastic bag or pooper scooper to pick up and dispose of the waste, then use your hose to spray the area down. For urine, spray the area down with the hose and then use either your turf deodorizer or a water and vinegar mixture.
With proper removal and disposal of your pet’s waste, your turf is left smelling great and prevents the abundance of germs—which can lead to further problems if left unattended.
Wash Down Your Artificial Turf
Once debris is removed and waste has been properly dealt with, wash the entirety of your pet-friendly artificial turf down for good measure. Apply the same gentleness with your hose as you did during the previous step. This will flush away any remaining debris still stuck between the turf blades, eliminating bacteria buildup.
As mentioned before, avoid using pressure washers and stick to the garden hose.
Target & Clean Stubborn Areas
Certain areas of your pet-friendly artificial turf are especially difficult to clean. Once you’ve rinsed down your lawn, you can address these stubborn areas of stains and markings with several different solutions.
Start with your soap and water solution. This solution can be mixed with a mild dishwashing liquid. Once created, apply it to the remaining areas and let it soak for several minutes. With your turf-safe brush, scrub gently in a circular motion to the same area. Once the stains or markings have been removed, rinse the area once again and let it dry.
One of the most important aspects of pet turf maintenance is disinfection. Various substances, like waste, are known for leaving behind bacteria in the turf. The presence of bacteria needs to be eliminated promptly to avoid potential health complications for your pet.
Fill a spray bottle with a mixture of vinegar and water or soap and water. This will disinfect your turf and lead to a much healthier environment for your pet.
Eliminate Odors
Notice unpleasant odors? Now is the time to resort to your turf deodorizing spray. This spray breaks down odor-causing ammonia in the urine of your pets and effectively eradicates these foul smells at the source. This aspect of pet turf maintenance shouldn’t be forgotten, otherwise the lawn won’t be great to be around.
Artificial Turf Cleaning & Maintenance Routine
Using these methods on an infrequent basis won’t do you or your pets any favors. It’s important to perform these tasks regularly. Cleaning your pet-friendly artificial turf should be done once a week, but should be done more frequently if:
- Your pet regularly uses the turf as a bathroom
- You live in a dry and dusty area
A consistent routine is just as much of a key aspect of proper pet turf maintenance as the use of necessary supplies like deodorizers and soft-bristled brushes. Upon doing so, your pets are sure to enjoy the healthiest environment possible with much happiness.
For more information on types of pet-friendly artificial turf and how to maintain it, refer to our helpful guide.
Call Now for a Pet-Friendly Turf Installation in Phoenix, AZ!

Your pets are family, they must be treated as such. Give your pet the healthiest and happiest environment available to them with pet-friendly turf installation today with Crown & Blade Turf in Phoenix, Arizona. With expert installation and your new-found knowledge of pet turf maintenance, your pet is sure to thank you.